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Luttkau at the SMM 2022

SMM 2022

The international maritime trade fair SMM will take place again in a few weeks. We sincerely invite you to visit our booth at SMM in hall no. A4, booth: 110.
Mr. Lars Luttkau and his team will be available for you the whole time and it will be our pleasure to welcome you.


Our crew members will be present at the following days:

06.09.: Lars Luttkau, Julika Buthmann
07.09.: Lars Luttkau, Dennis Malysz, Anna Wittenhagen
08.09.: Lars Luttkau, Julian Hansen
09.09.: Lars Luttkau, Dennis Malysz (+ further staff in the afternoon)


We are looking forward to seeing you at our booth.

According to data policy we would like to inform you, that on our booth we will eventually take photographs or videos of our booth and the visitors.
Please be so kind and speak to our crew members, if you don’t want to be shown on any picture or video material. Photographs and all other media will be presented especially within the internet. Your consent is guilty for all that kind of usage including the advertising. It includes all media/records during your participation on events with our crew members in context of SMM 2018 or your visit at our booth. You can revoke your consent with writing an email to This isn’t possible for media showing groups of guests.
Have a pleasant stay.

SMM 2022 area plan

The media content published on this contribution page is subject to the copyright of Hamburg Messe und Congress and the author Michael Zapf.

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